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KT250...rusty tank help.

Started by Al Goodwin, August 25, 2016, 04:39:00 PM

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Al Goodwin

I've got one, the tank has been coated before...the coating is coming out.  I got most of it out, long needle nose-pliers and pulled out in big sheets,  but I'm not sure I got it all out.

Advice please.  I've read all sorts of things vinegar, peroxide, etc.....

Tell me, what worked for you?


Was it cold tar coated or kreemed? If it's cold tar, leaving it submerged in vinegar and kosher salt for a few days breaks it up pretty well. You still will need to scrape around the inside with wire coat hanger and it's elbow grease intensive. The longer it stays submerged, the better it works!

If it was cold tarred there was likely a leak there but you should be able to patch it pretty easy with a welder.
I'll never be old enough to ride a sportbike responsibly...

Al Goodwin

Just to let y'all know, apple cider vinegar took out all the rust, and broke loose the liner I couldn't get to.

filled full, let soak 1 hour, drain all the GUNK out....fill again for another hour, pour half out, drop in a handfull of bolts and small bolts...slosh around for 5 minutes or so....drain it out to find nothing but shiny metal looking back at me.....rinsed it out, little acetone to remove any moisture, just waiting on a new petcock to put it all back together...

HOPEFULLY, I'll be at Barber Vintage Fest riding in the trials event. 8)