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Vintage Rider News - Rench's Rap for June 10, 2017

Started by renchinrider, June 14, 2017, 07:54:24 PM

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Belated hello to all of you, as I return from a fun and family-filled week last week.

Stories and lore abound regarding last weekend's Meet in the Middle ride.  There are stories of new motorcycle purchases, flat tires on dealer demo bikes, and a Sportster that gets well over 60 miles-per-gallon!  I would love to have been along to corroborate some of these stories, but I wouldn't trade for the time I got to spend with family.  I'm glad for the seven, then 10 members who got to ride together and enjoy lunch up there.

I haven't got as much fidelity on Saturday night's flat track races, but I do understand that Frank was able to pump up the Mad Dogs and the racing was as exciting as ever.  I also saw some pics of Tom out there spewing dust...until he ran out of gas...Gotta hand it to you both for your endeavors;  Way to go, Frank and Tom!

We don't have a lot of planned events coming up, but here's what's on the docket:

June 17th:  We'll do our monthly Garage Crawl.  Following breakfast, Dale Proctor's going to gather everyone up and lead the ride to H&L Cycle Shop in Hazel Green, where owner Henry and Lead Mechanic Toby will give a shop tour.  They specialize in Vintage Harleys, and always have a shop full of projects.  It's a really fun place to visit, and I know this will be a blast.

Also on June 17th, there's a club and forum appreciation day at Allsport Cycles in Decatur.  Please note that BamaRides' Klaviator (aka Wyn), is gathering riders at Blue Plate Cafe II at 9 am for a two-hour scenic ride from South Huntsville to Decatur for the event.  We should see a number of extra bikes and riders at Blue Plate when we arrive.

Finally, also on June 17th:  There's boat racing at Lake Guntersville.  Attractions will include a vintage, piston-engine Budweiser boat.  Ivan Teal is working the event, and has boat-loads (no pun intended) of information for anyone interested.  Just PM him on Facebook.

June 20-24:  Christian Motorcyclists Association's Eastern National Rally in Lewisburg, WV.  See the Forgiven Riders Chapter's Events page for more information.

June 23-4:  British in the Blue Ridge Rally in Hiawasee, GA at the Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds.  Frank, Sean and others are planning to attend.

June 24th:  At 5 pm the Veterans of America RC is holding their 5th Anniversary celebration at the Hot Spot Bar and Grill in Huntsville.  This event is open to any/all.

July 17-21:  International Norton Owners' Rally in Buena Vista, VA.  RJ and Garry Johnson are going, along with "Norton 73" from Bamarides.  Make reservations early if you wish to take part!  PM RJ on Facebook, or Norton 73 on Bamarides for more information, or to arrange a linkup in Buena Vista.

Hope all of you have a great week...I'm traveling this weekend, but look forward to seeing all of you again on June 24th!

Let's ride!
Live to Ride...or Die Tryin'!