Jefferson County - City of Birmingham

Started by Guidedawg, August 30, 2017, 02:07:00 PM

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Jefferson County – City of Birmingham
1.   Age-Herald Building – 2107 5th Ave. N
2.   Agee House – 1804 12th Ave. S
3.   Alabama Penny Savings Bank – 310 18th St. N
4.   Alabama Theatre – 1811 3rd Ave. N
5.   Anderson Place Historic District - Roughly bounded by 14th Ave., S., 18th St., S., 16th Ave., S., and 15th St., S.; also roughly 16th Ave., S. from 15th St. to a line south from 18th St
6.   Arlington – 331 Cotton Ave. SW
7.   Arlington Park - 800-840 1st St., W., 815-909 2nd St., W., and 100-269 Munger Ave
8.   Automotive Historic District - Roughly bounded by 1st Ave., N., 24th St., S., 5th Ave., S., and 20th St., S
9.   Avalon - 3005-3015 Highland Ave. and 3000-3020 13th Ave. S
10.   Avondale Park Historic District - Roughly bounded by 47th St., 7th Ave., 8th Court, 34th St., and State Route 4
11.   Bank of Ensley – 19th St. and Ave E
12.   Belcher-Nixon Building – 1728 20th Street Ensley
13.   Belview Heights Historic District - Roughly along 41st, 42nd, 43rd, 44th and 45th Sts., and M and Martin Aves
14.   Bethel Baptist Church, Parsonage, and Guardhouse - 3233, 3232, and 3236 29th Ave., N.
15.   Birmingham Civil Rights Historic District - Roughly bounded by 9th Ave., Richard Arrington Jr. Boulevard, 1st Ave., and 14th St.
16.   Birmingham Railway, Light, and Power Building – 2100 1st Ave.
17.   Birmingham-Southern College - Arkadelphia Rd. between 8th Ave., W. and Interstates 20/59
18.   Birmingham Wholesale Warehouse Loop West Historic District - Roughly bounded by railroad lines, 14th St., S., 2nd Ave., S., and Interstate 65
19.   Blessed Sacrament Academy – 1525 Cotton Ave. SW
20.   Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church – 1460 Pearson Ave. SW
21.   Bottega Favorita – 2240-2244 Highland Ave
22.   Bradshaw House – 2154 Highland Ave
23.   Dr. A.M. Brown House – 319 N Terrace
24.   Caldwell-Milner Building – 2015 1st Ave. N
25.   Center Street Historic District - 940-1145 Center St., 2-9th Ct., W., 4-10th Ave., N., 2-4 10th Ct., N., 16-24 11th Ave., N., and 1-2 11th Ct., N
26.   Chestnut Hill Historic District - Roughly bounded by Highland Ave. and 31st St
27.   Claridge Manor Apartments – 1100 27th St. S
28.   Continental Gin Company – 4500 5th Ave. S
29.   County Club Historic District - Roughly bounded by Highland Ave, 33rd St., 34th St., Pawnee Ave., and 29th St.
30.   Cirttenden Building – 1914 3rd Ave N
31.   Cullom Street-Twelfth Street South Historic District - Roughly bounded by 11th Ave., 12th St., S, Cullom St., and 13th St., S
32.   Downtown Birmingham Historic District - Roughly bounded by 3rd Ave., 24th St., 1st Ave., and 20th St.; also 312-322 21st St., N. and 1923 3rd Ave.; also roughly along 23rd St. and 3rd Ave., bounded by 5th Ave., 22nd St., and 2nd Ave.; also Portions of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th , 5th, 20th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th & 25th Sts., N., Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd.
33.   Downtown Birmingham Retail and Theatre Historic District - Roughly bounded by 3rd Ave., N., 20th St., N., Morris Ave., and 17th St., N.; also 1914, 1917, 1919, and 1930 4th Ave., N.
34.   Downtown Ensley Historic District - 17th-21st Sts., Ensley, and Avenues C-H
35.   Dr. Pepper Syrup Plant – 2829 2nd Ave. S
36.   East End Baptist Church – 2609 6th Ave. S
37.   Empire Building – 1928 1st Ave. N
38.   Enslen House – 2737 Highland Ave
39.   Episcopal Church of the Advent – 20th St. and 6th Ave. N
40.   Exclusive Furniture Shop – 704 29th St. S
41.   Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta – Birmingham Branch – 1801 5th Ave, N
42.   Fire Station No. 3 – 2210 Highland Ave
43.   Fire Station No. 6 – 317 15th St N
44.   Fire Station No. 10 – 4120 2nd Ave S
45.   Fire Station No. 11 – 1250 13th St. N  (Building no longer exists)
46.   Fire Station No. 12 – 15 57th St S   (Building exists. Station was relocated)
47.   Fire Station No. 15 – 1345 Steiner Ave SW   (Building exists.  Station was relocated)
48.   Fire Station No. 16 – 1621 Ave. G    (Building exists. Station was relocated)
49.   Fire Station No. 19 – 7713 Division Ave
50.   Fire Station No. 22 – 3114 Clairmont Ave
51.   First Baptist Church, East Thomas – 419 11th Court, W.
52.   First Baptist Church, Kingston – 4600 9th Ave. N
53.   First Christian Church Education Building – 2100 7th Ave. N   (Demolished)
54.   First Ebenezer Baptist Church – 420 Graymont Ave., N., Smithfield
55.   First National-John A Hand Building – 17 N. 20th St
56.   First Presbyterian Church – 2100 4th Ave. N
57.   First United Methodist Church – 6th Ave and 19th St. N
58.   Five Points South Historic District - Roughly bounded by 10th and 15th Aves. and 19th and 21st Sts.; also roughly bounded by 12th Ave., 19th St., 13th Ave., and 17th St.; also roughly bounded by 15th Ave., S., 20th St., S., 16th Ave., S. and 18th St
59.   Forest Park - Roughly bounded by Highland Golf Course, 38th St. and Cherry St., Clairmont and Linwood Rds., and Overlook Ave.
60.   Fourth Avenue Historic District - 1600-1800 blocks of 4th Ave., N. and part of the 300 blocks of 17th and 18th Sts., N.
61.   Fox Building – 19th St. and 4th Ave.    (Demolished in 1981)
62.   A.G. Gaston Building – 1527 5th Ave. N
63.   John D. and Katherine Gleissner Lustron House – 2420 Chahaba Rd.   (Demolished in 2015)
64.   Glen Iris Park Historic District – 1-20 Glen Iris Park
65.   Graymont School – 300 8th Ave W
66.   Hanover Court Apartments – 2620 Highland Ave.
67.   Hanover Place Historic District - Roughly bounded by Highland Ave., Hanover Cir., and U.S. 31
68.   Heaviest Corner on Earth – 1st Ave. N and 20th St. N
69.   Highland Avenue Historic District – 2000 block through 3200 block of 11th Court S
70.   Highland Plaza Apartments – 2250 Highland Ave. S
71.   Hotel Redmont – 2101 5th Ave. N
72.   Howard College Estates Historic District - Roughly along 77th Way, 77th Place, Vanderbilt St., 8th Court, 8th, Rugby, and Belmont Aves.
73.   Ideal Department Store Building – 111 19th St. N
74.   Jefferson County Courthouse – 716 21st St. N
75.   A.D. King House – 721 12th St. Ensley
76.   S.H. Kress and Company Building – 3rd Ave. and 19th St
77.   Lakeview School – 2800 Clairmont Ave.
78.   Lakewood Historic District - Roughly bounded by Lee Ave., 82nd St., Spring St., and 80th St.
79.   Joseph Loveman & Loeb Department Store – 214-224 19th St. N
80.   Lustron House on Columbiana Road – 430 Columbiana Rd.  (No longer exists)
81.   Manchester Terrace – 720-728 S 29th St
82.   McAdory Building – 2013 1st Ave. N
83.   Milner Heights Historic District - Roughly bounded by 28th St., Highland Ave., 27th Ave., Arlington Ave., and 23rd St.
84.   Morris Avenue Historic District – 2000-2400 blocks of Morris Ave
85.   Morris Avenue – First Avenue North Historic District - 2000-2400 blocks of Morris Ave. and 2100-2500 blocks of 1st Ave., N.
86.   Mount Ararat Baptist Church – 1920 Slayden Ave. Ensley
87.   Morrow and Sinnige Nabers Building – 109 20th St. N
88.   New Pilgrim Baptist Church – 903 6th Ave S
89.   New Rising Star Baptist Church – 3104 33rd Place N. Collegeville
90.   North Lakeview Industrial District - 2801-3211 2nd and 2810-3130 3rd Aves., S., and 216-231 29th, 130 30th, 230 31st, and 205 32nd Sts., S.
91.   Norwood Boulevard Historic District – 2800-3624 Norwood Boulevard
92.   Oak Hill Cemetery – 1120 N. 19th St.
93.   Orlando Apartments – 2301 15th Ave. S
94.   Peace Baptist Church – 302 6th St. N  (Adjacent Fellowship Hall has been destroyed)
95.   Phelan Park Historic District - 13th Ave., S., 14th St., S., 16th Ave., S., and 13th Pl., S
96.   Powell Avenue Steam Plant – 1800 Powell Ave. S
97.   Powell School – 2331 6th Ave N
98.   Pratt City Carline Historic District - Ave. U from Ave. A to Carline and Carline from Ave. W to 6th St
99.   Pratt School – 306 Ave U
100.   Quinlan Castle – 2030 9th Ave. S
101.   Ramsay-McCormack Building – 1823-1825 Ave. E
102.   Red Mountain Suburbs Historic District - Roughly bounded by Crest and Argyle and Altamont, Country Club, Salisbury, and Lanark Rds. (Also in Jefferson County list)
103.   William Reed House – 888 Twin Lake Dr.
104.   Rhodes Park - Roughly bounded by S. 10th, S. 13th, and Highland Aves. and S. 28th and S. 30th Sts.
105.   Rickwood Field – 1137 2nd Ave. W
106.   Ridgely Apartments – 608 21st St. N
107.   Roebuck Springs Historic District – Roughly off Blountsville County Road
108.   Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church – 1164 11th Ave. S
109.   St. Luke AME Church – 2803 21st Ave. N
110.   St. Luke AME Zion Church – 3937 12th Ave. N
111.   St. Paul's Catholic Church – 2120 3rd Ave N
112.   Sardis Baptist Church – 1240 4th St. N
113.   Second Presbyterian Church – 10th Ave. and 12th St. S
114.   Shady Grove Baptist Church – 3444 31st Way N, Collegeville
115.   Sixteenth Street Baptist Church – 1530 6th Ave N at 16th St
116.   Sloss Blast Furnace Site – 1st Ave at 32nd St
117.   Slossfield Community Center – 1901 25th Ct. N
118.   Joseph Riley Smith Historic District - 300-400 blocks of 10th Ave., 100-400 blocks of 9th Ct., 944 4th St., W., and 948 3rd St., W.
119.   Smithfield Historic District - Roughly bounded by 8th Ave., N., 6th St., N., 4th Terrace, N., and 1st St., N.; also roughly along 4th Ct. and Center St
120.   South East Lake Historic District - Roughly bounded by 78th and 8th Sts., and Division, 1st, 2nd, and 5th Aves.
121.   South Highlands of East Lake Historic District - Roughly bounded by 8th Ave., 85th St., 5th Ave., and 78th St.
122.   Southside Historic District - 2800 University Boulevard, parts of 4th-7th Aves., S., and 22nd-32nd Sts., S.
123.   Steiner Bank Building – 2101 1st Ave N
124.   Stonecroft – 1453 Shades Crest Rd.
125.   Thomas By-Product Coke Works Historic District - Roughly bounded by railroad tracks and the sand and gravel quarry
126.   Thomas Historic District - Roughly the area between 1st and 8th Sts., north of Village Creek and west of the St. Louis and San Francisco railroad tracks
127.   US Post Office – 1800 5th Ave. N
128.   Vulcan – Vulcan Park, US 31 S
129.   Waters Building – 209-211 22nd St. N
130.   Watts Building – 2008 3rd Ave. N
131.   West End Hills Missionary Baptist Church – 1680 19th Place, SW
132.   West End Masonic Temple – 1346 Tuscaloosa Ave  (Destroyed by first in 1996)
133.   West Park – 5th Ave N and 16th St
134.   Whilldin Building – 513-517 21st St. N
135.   Wimberly-Thomas Warehouse – 1809 1st Ave. S
136.   Windham Construction Office Building – 528 8th Ave. N
137.   Woodlawn City Hall – 5525 1st Ave. N
138.   Woodlawn Commercial Historic District - Area around the junction of 1st Ave., N. and 55th Pl
139.   Woodlawn Highlands Historic District - Bounded by 5th Ave., S., Crestwood Boulevard, and 56th and 61st Sts., S
140.   Woodlawn Historic District - Roughly bounded by 1st Ave., N., 47th St., N., 61st St., N., and Interstates 20/59
141.   Woodward Building – 1927 1st Ave. N
142.   Bernice L Wright Lustron House – 2424 Cahaba Rd.   (Demolished)
143.   Wylam Fire Station - Northwestern corner of the junction of 8th Ave. and Huron St.
144.   Peter Zinszer's Mammoth Furniture House – 2115,2117, and 2119 2nd Ave N