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Crow Mountain Street ride, Dec 2017

Started by klaviator, December 02, 2017, 03:57:06 PM

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In a recent post in another thread I said that the most important thing in a street ride for me is the riding itself, the roads, Curves, scenery, stuff like that.  Today's ride had all that but looking back the best part of the ride today was the people.

I'll start from the beginning.  Got up early, bundled up and rode over to the Blue Plate Cafe for breakfast with the Vintage Club.  The food was good as always but what I really remember was sitting across from Renchinrider and having a great conversation for about an hour.  I think we could easily have talked for 4 hours and not run out of stuff to talk about.  He's done some really interesting stuff on motorcycles and I told him he should post some of it (hint, hint ;))

But we only had about an hour then it was time to head outside and meet whoever was planning on going riding.  Buckeye Doug was there.  He is becoming a regular on my rides and it's always good to see him.  Frank Smith who is fairly new to the forum was there for his first ride with us.  Then a few of the Vintage guys joined us making a total of 7 riders.

I was cloudy and chilly but warming up and the sun came out more during the ride.  Since I was leading I didn't get as many pics as I normally would.  We headed over Keel mountain and I only got us lost once getting there ;D

Regrouping at the end of Keel mountain.

We took a break at the Citgo in Woodville.

Then we rode CR8, 79 and then 33 down Crow Mountain.  I had forgoten how rough that road is.  It seem a lot worse going down.  We stopped at the bottom and I headed back up to set up for some action shots for those who wanted them.  Not everyone wanted to ride back up 33.  Here's some of the shots.

Same pic cropped:







This next pic probably came out the best of all of of them.



Mo pics.



Then we headed for the Pikeville store to get some lunch.  We passed these wagons on the road.


In the thread "Art of the Ride Report" I advised people to make sure to take pics of the interesting people you meet on your rides.  Did I take my own advice?


Someday I'll remember to do that.

I did get this pic of the Horses and wagons as they came by. ;D


It was fine.  Burger and fries.  The conversation, just like breakfast was great. Got to know a bit about some folks I hadn't met before.

Then it was time to mount up again.  We had a variety of bikes on this ride.


Hard to believe but there are people in Alabama who have never been to the Rock Zoo ???

After today there are a few less.

Time to ride some more.

The fall colors were past their peak but not gone yet.


We rode up CR39.  I love that road

Then back to 79, down 146 and then 65.

I felt pretty rusty today but on 65 I felt like some of that rust was coming off

One last stop in Gurley.

Thanks to everyone who showed up.  Hope to ride with Ya'll again and hopefully it will be soon.


Great pictures as always.
Thanks for sharing.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk


I gave yall the evil eye as you rode past my house. :D

Great report.


I did forget one interesting thing from this ride.  While we were at The Pikeville Store Frank said that he thought we had ridden together before once.  He was right.  Some time back I was headed for Lynchburg via 72 and 65.  While on 72 I was passed by a rider on a BMW GS.  Then on 65 I passed that rider.  At the intersection of 65 and 146 (I think) we both stopped at the stop sign and we talked a minute or so.  Then we rode up 65 into TN where we went different directions. 

Another example of "it's a small world".

Frank Smith

It may be small world, but on the twisties yours is a lot faster than mine. I only remembered it was you because of my view of you from the rear. You're impossible to stay up with.
Frank smith
New Market Al
350 EXC-F

Nice Goat

Great pics, Win.  Wish that I could have joined y'all today.
IBA #63019 - 2022 Yamaha Tenere 700 - 2023 Yamaha XMAX 300
Deep thought: "Pie and coffee are as important as gasoline."

Frank Smith

Nice pics. Next time I'll remember to bring my Go Pro and share the video.
Frank smith
New Market Al
350 EXC-F


2013 KTM 690 Enduro/Sumo
2013 KTM RC8R
2011 KTM 990 SMR (Oh Yeah)
2020 Beta 300 RR Race Edition
1985 Goldwing (ish)
2014 BMW 1200RT
Remember, a boss doesn't always do smart things, but he always does them like a boss. - Paebr332


So glad you joined us for breakfast, Win!  Can't wait 'til the stars align and I'm able to get out with the Cool Kids and join one of your rides! :)

(And yes:  I do intend to get started on that writing assignment ::))
Live to Ride...or Die Tryin'!