Yes folks, THIS IS REAL! Mark your calendars!! Come out and hone your skills, mock your friends, and scare your kids, parents and significant others. (It just looks death defying. We won't tell them how easy it really is. Shhhh).
ChuckA secured the ball field parking lot in Falkville for a FULL BLOWN GYMKHANA and GP8 (and I hope I can get Kyle to set up that Deadly Butterfly).
June 10, starting at 8a.m. until 4p.m. just off I-65 at exit 322, 1076 Culver Rd, Falkville, AL
Keep in mind, we do not teach anyone how to ride a motorcycle. We will help you improve on skills you should already possess: clutch and brake control, slow speed maneuvers and u-turns to name a few.
There is a nice pavilion with picnic tables and bathrooms on the property. Fast food options and a Loves Truckstop nearby. I will have plenty of water available and the cones will be HOT!
I should be there. Let us know what you need Karla.
Marked on my Calendar! !!! What time do you need me there??
I'll be there!
I don't intend to show up until 8:00 and have the GP8 and Circles up by 8:15. Everything is ready to go, we just open boxes and set it out so the only labor is throwing cones with Buzz on the big lot.
Don't expect the big course up until around 9:00.
Is this event open to the public?
Can I create a little mini flyer for the new Instagram page?
Quote from: Fencejumper09 on May 04, 2017, 11:00:35 AM
Is this event open to the public?
Can I create a little mini flyer for the new Instagram page?
Finally Can't wait!
Fencejumper reminded me that I had not stated any rules or reguirements to ride gymkhana...
1. You MUST wear a helmet any time you are riding on the range.
2. You MUST sign a waiver before you can ride the course. It releases BamaRides, the coaches and owners of the parking lot from any liability for your safety or damages to your bike. I'm not going to police your insurance, but it is highly recommended that you have coverage. It is the law.
3. You MUST have a yellow sticker(means you signed a waiver) to ride the Circle of Trust(a 24ft Circle that you must successfully negotiate in both directions).
4. You must have a red sticker to ride the course. A red sticker means you completed the circle of trust.
Don't let these rules scare you. There will be plenty of help to get you through the circle.
5. There will be no shaming of those who are there trying to improve their skills. If a rider drops his bike all riders come to a stop until the bike is up and the rider is checked and cleared.
AHRMA and Tennessee Flat trackers race in Athens, Alabama that day. :-\ :-\ :-\
Oh well...... :-[
You can do a couple hours Gymkhana, then go show them how flat tracking is done.
We are going to try to attach this to a "work" bike ride. We will be leaving San Antonio from a conference and will try to swing north to attend before we head home. Don't know if we will participate, but the bike has been dropped so that won't be an issue. We would like to at least attend our first Gymkana.
Chuck & Susan
Excellent! Thank you, all of you!
New to the course this time -
Braking practice! We will be measuring stopping distances and trying to decrease those distances! I will have a tape measure!
I'll bring a crew. Not sure if they will ride much but I'll try and prod them.
I will do my best to be there. ;D
I plan on being there. This sounds awesome !!!
I added important info to the original post 8)
I'm hoping the new rider in the family can make it...I'll remind her of this coming up.
I'm racing in Athens that night, but we'll be in Hartselle for this.
Planing to be there.
this will be between two night shifts, so i'll have to be back by 4.
One week away!!!
Quote from: Chitza on June 02, 2017, 08:36:42 PM
One week away!!!
A dancing emogi is sorely missed........this will have to do;
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: springer on June 02, 2017, 08:39:38 PM
Quote from: Chitza on June 02, 2017, 08:36:42 PM
One week away!!!
A dancing emogi is sorely missed........this will have to do;
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
How about this:
( ( (
Quote from: klaviator on June 03, 2017, 02:03:20 AM
Quote from: springer on June 02, 2017, 08:39:38 PM
Quote from: Chitza on June 02, 2017, 08:36:42 PM
One week away!!!
A dancing emogi is sorely missed........this will have to do;
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
How about this:
( ( (
Like I LIKE!
I'm close and can come back home to get a bike after bringing over some stuff. So, I will bring an easy-up and a chair for the lot attendant, 2 coolers for ice and water, 2 squirrel cage fans, 200 ft in extension cords, air compressor/gauge, and I have a trailer/bike straps incase of a bike failure. What else?
I sent our General Manager, here at Nucor Steel, an email explaining what Gymkhana was, with a flyer attached. 8)
He sent it out to "ALL USERS", all 800+ employees here.....maybe that'll help the turnout. ;) ;)
Less than 3 days to go but who's counting (
What's the plan Saturday morning? I'll be available to help wherever needed. 8)
What do we need? EZ-up? Cooler full of water?.....etc..
We will show up at 7:45-8:00ish. There's a nice pavilion and I have an easy up for the course. I'll have water and a medium sized ice chest. I think ChuckA is bringing an ice chest, too. Never too much ice or water in June :)
Waiting on UPS to deliver some tooling at work today so I can get my crew set up to work without me tomorrow.
Fingers crossed all day, but looks like I should make this. ;)
All ready to go! I'm bringing a few chairs and another ice chest with water. I'll be there early to help set up.
I'll be there early to help set up. I'll be riding so I can't bring a real lot. Maybe a chair or two.
I am ready for this!! I will be on the bike so I will probably just have room for a chair and some water!
Is anyone planning to ride up from the Birmingham area or further south?
There is a pavilion with picnic tables.
Yep as Karla said there's no need in bringing chairs. Unless you just want to sit out by yourself. This pavillian will sit 100 plus people easily.
How many people are bringing water? I will go get some water I just don't want to overbuy iced down water that we won't use.
Quote from: Fencejumper09 on June 09, 2017, 09:42:01 AM
Is anyone planning to ride up from the Birmingham area or further south?
What time are you planning on heading up tomorrow? I'm hoping I can make it for a couple hours before I have to work tomorrow afternoon.
Quote from: KevinB on June 09, 2017, 05:30:50 PM
Quote from: Fencejumper09 on June 09, 2017, 09:42:01 AM
Is anyone planning to ride up from the Birmingham area or further south?
What time are you planning on heading up tomorrow?
Yeah! What he said.
Meeting at Waffle House on Walker Chapel rd at 9am to eat the slab up to Falkville
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Moved to chic fil a if anyone's meeting us.
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We are still here. Come on out and play!
Quote from: Al Goodwin on May 24, 2017, 11:07:30 AM
I'm hoping the new rider in the family can make it...I'll remind her of this coming up.
I'm racing in Athens that night, but we'll be in Hartselle for this.
SOMEBODY didn't remind me about this

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I had a great time today! A big thanks to Chuch, Karla, Buzz and anyone else who made this happen.
I took a few pics.
More to follow........
more pics.
Still more to come.....
I had a great time, wish I could of stayed longer.
Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
And a few more pics.
Great to see everybody yesterday, I need to get out more. ;D
Big thanks to all involved with this. Great location and the course was fun.
Thanks to all. I had a great time.
Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Thanks to everyone who put this on! It was terrific riding and wonderful to meet everyone in person
It was great to get to see and hang out with everyone.
Thanks for the coarse set up Buzz. You did another fun one.
Great pics! Please, please, go over to and post them all. Our Russian friends are giving me a hard time because we don't ever put up any pictures.
I just noticed I didn't post any pics of Al and his Flat track bike.
Al had just got this bike and only ridden it around his yard. He was planning on racing it that evening in Athens. He had never ridden flat track before.
So he went to Athen on a bike he had only ridden a mile or so and entered a race he had no experience with.
Of course he took home the #1 trophy.
Was talking to a guy here at work and asking why he didn't show up on Saturday and I got a lead on a possible location just off HWY 53 just north of Huntsville. Two lots one about 50x200 the other about 80x125. I'm going to speak to the owner about it tomorrow over lunch and will update with his response.
Quote from: zdc1775 on June 12, 2017, 01:17:48 PM
Was talking to a guy here at work and asking why he didn't show up on Saturday and I got a lead on a possible location just off HWY 53 just north of Huntsville. Two lots one about 50x200 the other about 80x125. I'm going to speak to the owner about it tomorrow over lunch and will update with his response.
That would be great if it worked out. It would be nice if we could do another Gymkhana in the fall. It will most likely be too hot in July and August.
Thanks to all for this event ! I hope no one tripped over the rust coming off me.
Was finally able to speak with the land owner and while he wants a few more details he is open to having the event. I will keep all of you updated and will start a new thread if it seems that he is going to allow us to use his place.