Going to setup a GP8 in Hoover today around Noon. I will set up in that little shopping center where we had our 1st Gymkhana. I will be there until I get bored. ;) So come on out and keep me from being bored.
Lots of new folks here that don't know where that shopping center is located. Actually, I'm not new and don't know where that is :o
I thought we had the first one over at Century Plaza. :o
Nope, in Hoover, that old shopping mall behind the Shell gas store thingy.
Picture(http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee446/owenwoolley/Facebook/Cover%20Photos/20170528_115719_zpsqmzekjsj.jpg) (http://s1228.photobucket.com/user/owenwoolley/media/Facebook/Cover%20Photos/20170528_115719_zpsqmzekjsj.jpg.html)
What exit off 65 was that just off of? I remember having a hell of a time finding it.
I-459. Should say the HWY 150 exit
Google maps says right hete;33.363861,-86.847287
Dropped Pin
Great to see you guys doing this! And with Don!!!
(http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx202/KrisCook/this%20thread%20just%20got%20awesome_zps8yygp81d.jpg) (http://s756.photobucket.com/user/KrisCook/media/this%20thread%20just%20got%20awesome_zps8yygp81d.jpg.html)
Quote from: dredman on May 28, 2017, 01:08:40 PM
We are rusty
Moare like rusted shut.
Will be back THIS Thursday, same place. Not sure how long we will be able to go. There are no open stores/Dr. office/ anything.
Just a parking lot. Not sure if it will be lighted when it gets dark. So I am not sure how long we can go. At lest to 8:00pm.
So if you are free and feeling like killing some cones, come on out.
It WILL be fun! ;)