Flash Mob
Kraver's, 25965 AL-181, Daphne, AL 36526
Wednesday July, 26th 2017
6:00 pm
Let's see who we can get there from south Alabama!!!!
I'm pretty sure I'll be there.
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Just a BUMP and reminder for tomorrow evening. Susan and I will be there. Hope to see more. The whole Flash Mob tour has been great!!
Sorry, but not going to make it. Will be in bham a little longer than I planned. Next time for sure.
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Gonna miss seeing you.....
My wife and I will be there!!
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fz6rRider and his wife are planning to ride in with us also. Looking forward to it!!
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Way cool... See everyone the evening then!!!
We will be in the cage due to storm moving in... Will meet ya'll in the lobby at 6
Awesome group at Kravers. Thank you to fz6Rider, Riverdelta and famlies for joining us
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