August 21. Total solar eclipse. Anyone Interested?
I am making definite plans to be in the best spot accessible to me. No plans about where or how to get there. Waiting for weather to make that determination.
I am definitely interested. I'm off work that day and I've been think about heading to Tennessee to see it. I believe telico plains will be in the totality area
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Lynn and I are teaching a whitewater safety class at the Ocoee River that weekend. We have taken Monday off from work to watch the eclipse, but probably won't have motorcycles with us.
I plan on being up there..somewhere. Tellico Plains is filling up fast, Wayne at Cherohola MC Resort said he has reservations from people from all over the country.
Has anyone planned a destination for the trip yet?
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BrianA found this cool interactive site:
I'm open to starting a discussion and loose plans, but I'm waiting on weather to make a final decision about destination. I don't want to ride that far and miss it because of cloud coverage.
Yeah I'm the same way. I'm open to go as far as Missouri (maybe Nebraska) to the South Carolina coast to view it.
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I'm planning to do this as a day-ride. Likewise, my trip will depend entirely on the weather for the 21st.
From what I've been reading, any area that has lodging also has the possibility of being a gaggle. I intend to leave out early on the 21st and take a leisure ride just northeast or northwest (most likely) of Nashville to the most rural area I can find. Watch the eclipse then stroll home. I'll have a precise location nailed down between now and then.
NASA put out a really great map tracking the eclipse. Their advice is not to choose a destination until you know what the weather will be like. A clear sky is more important than the place.
I work the Sunday before.....Melony and I will be riding up that Sunday night after I get off work.
Haven't thought about getting started at night or late afternoon Sunday....Not a bad idea, depending on how far we have to go.
Whatever I do, I have (really need) to be back Monday night at a reasonable time. I burned through over 6 weeks of vacation time last Spring/Summer. I seriously need to build some time back up. "Have to" may be overstating the situation some...but I sure would like to only burn one more day.
If the weather pushes the viewing area outside of a day-ride perimeter, I will have to consider not seeing it. Hopefully, we will be in August drought mode.
I've only ever seen an annular eclipse out in MO a couple decades ago....sure hope to see this full one. Gonna' try to lock in the time off tomorrow.
A little article about the eclipse from Revzilla.
I'm now fully equipped. 8)
our very own Alabamian, interviewing the most obsessed man, about the biggest event this year :
the ios app:
and android app:
remember to record your friends watching it, and let the pros record the eclipse itself!
Wal-Martin is selling glasses for the event, $1/each...... 8)
Not complaining...but, my ride has evolved into a family/friends van-trip to the path of totality. I'm just grateful that I have friends and family with similar interests. We are headed to Adams, allowing....But don't spread that around too much. I may be paranoid but am afraid travel on the 21st will be a cluster@#$%. I've received a pair of natural-color plastic shades and a pack of paper viewers from American Paper Optics. The shades are quite nice....strongly endorse American Paper Optics.
I'm having second thoughts about this. I was thinking about Whigg Meadows, but it's going to be a walk, which I don't mind, I've backpacked to it in the Winter, I just don't like leaving a motorcycle at a trailhead for an extended period of time. Better look at this before you decide where to go. I don't play well with hordes. (
Quote from: Gam on August 11, 2017, 05:43:07 AM
I'm having second thoughts about this. I was thinking about Whigg Meadows, but it's going to be a walk, which I don't mind, I've backpacked to it in the Winter, I just don't like leaving a motorcycle at a trailhead for an extended period of time. Better look at this before you decide where to go. I don't play well with hordes. (
Whigg meadows was my choice as well.... :-\
UGH.....I'll look elsewhere.....I bet Buck Bald will be covered up with folks.
Thinking about riding up to Murphy NC area Saturday - worst case, I get a weekend of awesome pavement and dirt riding :o
Quote from: Al Goodwin on August 11, 2017, 06:15:28 AM
Quote from: Gam on August 11, 2017, 05:43:07 AM
I'm having second thoughts about this. I was thinking about Whigg Meadows, but it's going to be a walk, which I don't mind, I've backpacked to it in the Winter, I just don't like leaving a motorcycle at a trailhead for an extended period of time. Better look at this before you decide where to go. I don't play well with hordes. (
Whigg meadows was my choice as well.... :-\
UGH.....I'll look elsewhere.....I bet Buck Bald will be covered up with folks.
It's gonna get dark no matter where you are. I think most high spots will be covered with people, but any open area with a clear view of the sky should be just fine.
I'm still trying to figure out where to go as far as the lack of cloud coverage. I will leave Saturday and come back Monday late that leaves Sunday full of riding the fun roads

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We'll be riding up to tellico late Sunday night.....I'm thinking of hitting Star Mountain for the viewing.
Quote from: kylepeterson on July 27, 2017, 08:27:43 PM
our very own Alabamian, interviewing the most obsessed man, about the biggest event this year :
the ios app:
and android app:
remember to record your friends watching it, and let the pros record the eclipse itself!
That video was great. I'm getting excited.
Also, I just loaded the android app. Very cool stuff.
I'm bringing big sheets of white drafting paper so we can see the shadow bands.
"All those participating in orgies, ritual sex rites, or attempting to conceive a spirit child imbued with the power of the moon, we are asking that you make use of our primitive camp areas. Additionally, the Forest Service encourages safe sex, but please do not leave any condom wrappers, lube bottles, sex toys or bondage gear behind. We also want to remind you all that it is tick season. Please be sure that you check yourself and your partners thoroughly. We would also encourage you to review the poison ivy identification materials on the USFS website. Remember, leaves of three let it be.
Satanists and other worshipers of dark lords, you will be required to show your animal slaughter permits before conducting ritual sacrifice of any kind. Please remember, if you pack it in, you pack it out. This includes all leftover entrails, viscera, limbs, horns, skins and sex organs. Just because its organic, doesn't mean it's not litter. And if you are successful in raising the devil, a lesser demon, Cthulu or any other ancient demigod to reign over all mankind, please be sure to bring extra water, food and bug spray for your guest.
For those awaiting the arrival of a space ship, time machine, or any manner of inter-dimensional craft or portal opening, those of us remaining on this planet and within this particular time-space-continuum will be needing the areas limited parking spaces. We would ask that you please make arrangements to carpool, or make use of available taxi, ride-share or shuttle services of some kind. Abandoned vehicles will be towed at the owner's expense.
Finally, if your spirit, consciousness or other celestial energy will be departing its human form for any other plane of existence, your body will need to be collected by friends or family. If you need someone to retrieve your body, a local taxidermist out of Taccoa, GA has offered to provide this service for a fee. If interested, please call 706-Stuff-It, ask for Dwayne."
Going with family in the cage. Staying Sunday night in a hotel near Manchester which is just south of the Path of Totality. So, we'll drive into the "Path" Monday. Will decide on the exact viewing location Sunday night / Monday morning. I'm concerned the mountains will be a cluster of Biblical proportions so, we'll stay away from there.
The forecast looks good- for now anyway.
I have been laying low, waiting to the last minute to gauge weather and options before I made a final decision.
My thought had been jump on the Versys, ride to Deals Gap, hang out with my friends there and experience the eclipse, the ride home Monday evening after it is all over with.
I am now having serious reservations about doing so.
My general impression, based on a few posts by friends in the area: it is going to be a mad house all along the path.
Already crowded and expected to get a lot worse.
In my mind's eye I see mental pics that look like hoards of humanity, stuck on the roads, like you see when folks flee the coast when a hurricane warning is issued and the storm is 12 hours from landfall.
I might just settle for the 93.5% I get from my own yard in Moody.
Quote from: Brian A on August 18, 2017, 10:08:09 AM
In my mind's eye I see mental pics that look like hoards of humanity, stuck on the roads, like you see when folks flee the coast when a hurricane warning is issued and the storm is 12 hours from landfall.
that's part of the reason we decided to head up Sunday night, we'll hit Chattanooga around 10pm, or so. Plus, the ride from the campground up to Star mountain is only 2.7 miles of paved road.
After it's all over we'll ride around a bit, we're planning on staying up there Monday night as well.....
Is anyone planning on leaving tomorrow evening or early Sunday morning to head up?
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Here is where I'll be watching the eclipse. You can reserve a spot and remove some stress. Each reserved spot comes with a pair of solar glasses.
I'll have my daughter with me, we'll be in the cage.
Amazin' Acres located in Sparta, TN
Quote from: Brian A on August 18, 2017, 10:08:09 AM
I have been laying low, waiting to the last minute to gauge weather and options before I made a final decision.
My thought had been jump on the Versys, ride to Deals Gap, hang out with my friends there and experience the eclipse, the ride home Monday evening after it is all over with.
I am now having serious reservations about doing so.
My general impression, based on a few posts by friends in the area: it is going to be a mad house all along the path.
Already crowded and expected to get a lot worse.
In my mind's eye I see mental pics that look like hoards of humanity, stuck on the roads, like you see when folks flee the coast when a hurricane warning is issued and the storm is 12 hours from landfall.
I might just settle for the 93.5% I get from my own yard in Moody.
I'm thinking the same thing, but Starr Mountain is pretty tempting, from my location I could take little back roads to Chatsworth, Ga, cross through Cohutta, then owswalt/clear creek rds, and then come in on Bullet Rd., from the Reliance side, but FS roads may be crazy as well.
Quote from: Mulley on August 18, 2017, 01:52:14 PM
Here is where I'll be watching the eclipse. You can reserve a spot and remove some stress. Each reserved spot comes with a pair of solar glasses.
I'll have my daughter with me, we'll be in the cage.
Amazin' Acres located in Sparta, TN
I looked at's dead center of the eclipse.
I called the Cherohala Mountain Trails Campground.,...goes right to voice mail...reckon they have any room left for a small tent and motorcycle?
Surely they're not completely full. :-\
We do't take up much room ya know. 8)
That's a field full if they are. :o
OK, got'em, finally. Plenty of room left for tents. $10/person per night.
Quote from: Al Goodwin on August 20, 2017, 02:44:46 PM
OK, got'em, finally. Plenty of room left for tents. $10/person per night.
Looks like I'm heading that way too. I'm not finding any other areas available to camp
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Quote from: Red457 on August 20, 2017, 03:22:34 PM
Quote from: Al Goodwin on August 20, 2017, 02:44:46 PM
OK, got'em, finally. Plenty of room left for tents. $10/person per night.
Looks like I'm heading that way too. I'm not finding any other areas available to camp
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We'll be pulling in there around 1am eastern time...... maybe we won't wake the entire campground...or...maybe we WILL....LOL ;D
Quote from: Al Goodwin on August 20, 2017, 03:25:36 PM
Quote from: Red457 on August 20, 2017, 03:22:34 PM
Quote from: Al Goodwin on August 20, 2017, 02:44:46 PM
OK, got'em, finally. Plenty of room left for tents. $10/person per night.
Looks like I'm heading that way too. I'm not finding any other areas available to camp
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We'll be pulling in there around 1am eastern time...... maybe we won't wake the entire campground...or...maybe we WILL....LOL ;D
Lol good deal. Y'all be safe
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Life is what happens when you are making other plans. #dadlife
Quote from: Nice Goat on August 20, 2017, 04:32:40 PM
Life is what happens when you are making other plans. #dadlife
Noooo! What happened???
Quote from: KrisCook on August 20, 2017, 04:39:58 PM
Noooo! What happened???
My daughter had an accident while skating Friday night. We have to see Ortho doc Monday. We had big plans to drive up to TN tonight and camp. Not anymore.
Quote from: Nice Goat on August 20, 2017, 04:44:29 PM
My daughter had an accident while skating Friday night. We have to see Ortho doc Monday. We had big plans to drive up to TN tonight and camp. Not anymore.
Dang! Tell her we ALL wish her well.
Leg, close to her foot?
Quote from: Nice Goat on August 20, 2017, 04:44:29 PM
Quote from: KrisCook on August 20, 2017, 04:39:58 PM
Noooo! What happened???
My daughter had an accident while skating Friday night. We have to see Ortho doc Monday. We had big plans to drive up to TN tonight and camp. Not anymore.
Man....that is terrible. I hope she is not in too much pain. Have you considered and Orthopedic Surgeon in Middle TN? ;D Just kidding bro. I hope all goes well and she makes a speedy recovery. Very sorry for y'all.
Good luck on your trips, everyone. As shown above, every day is full of many variables.
That was one of the most amazing things I have ever witnessed in my life. I didn't expect it, but when the totality hit, I was overcome with emotion and I burst in to tears.
I hope everyone is home safely.
No ride report, because out wasn't a ride. I will say it was THE most amazing thing I have ever seen with my own eyes.
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Quote from: Chitza on August 21, 2017, 09:06:10 PM
That was one of the most amazing things I have ever witnessed in my life. I didn't expect it, but when the totality hit, I was overcome with emotion and I burst in to tears.
I hope everyone is home safely.
Quote from: Buzz on August 22, 2017, 11:02:34 AM
No ride report, because out wasn't a ride. I will say it was THE most amazing thing I have ever seen with my own eyes.
I agree completely. I was already expecting to be moved but it still exceeded expectations. It was a truly magical experience. One of the best that nature has to offer. I compare it to my first time sitting on top of California Pass in Colorado with a 360 degree vista. I wish everyone could have experienced it. It makes me want to plan a trip to Chile or Argentina to watch the next one on July 2, 2019. That would be an awesome adventure ride.
we waved by, and were passed, by a group of four riders (BMW, Vfr, klr, etc) on our way home from Sparta, tn, on tn-399. they rode well, like a group from br would. it was that "good riders, good roads" feeling you get on the way home from an epic trip.
(yes, Google tn399, it's an excellent road, but not long enough)
we had a terrific time. good company, our kids played and played.
what we saw:
lightning bugs on knee deep soybeans.
polite star gazing nerds (quiet, almost reverent)
multiple stages of moon blocking the sun
cooler temperatures brought on by the eclipse
almost full night time darkness, just past dusk
360 degrees of sunset, beautiful
the suns corona, with my naked eyes
the "diamond ring"
people gazing at the heavens like they were saw God
quiet amazement that led to cheers from the crowd blown away
so, ya, it's totally worth the drove/flight/float/ride, however you get there for the next one, do it. it's spiritual, emotional, amazement.
enough with the sappy stuff, here are some incredibly low quality videos of what it's like:
you rally have to watch to see the shadow bands, they are like seeing a ghost, disbelieving what you've seen, then looking infinity harder to attempt to see that ghost again.
these will never do the real life thing any justice, it's not even close to 1% of the experience.
glad we went. if you do it at all, go 100% !!!
this picture was taken at 1:31pm , during the full eclipse, there is no light trickery or post processing here, yes it was that dark.
Quote from: kylepeterson on August 22, 2017, 03:27:15 PM
we waved by, and were passed, by a group of four riders (BMW, Vfr, klr, etc) on our way home from Sparta, tn, on tn-399. they rode well, like a group from br would. it was that "good riders, good roads" feeling you get on the way home from an epic trip.
(yes, Google tn399, it's an excellent road, but not long enough)
That was probably us. Two Beemer GS's, a blue Triumph Sprint, and a Gen 2 Suzuki DL1k V-Strom. Someone waved us past on 399 after we turned off of 111. Shortly after we passed, we turned on Fredonia Rd. to head towards Dunlap. It is a really sweet road right there at the end before it hits 127.
We had gone up to Spring City, right on the line of the middle of totality. Traffic on the way up was surprisingly light, only really getting into the slower stuff when we'd come into a small town or intersection with traffic lights. Pikeville was our backup plan if Spring City was too crazy, and it was not crowded at all. We continued to Spring City, and as we began to hit the outskirts of town, we saw traffic jam hell. We also saw that every parking lot, field, sidewalk, hell any place you could park a vehicle, had a sign up that said "$10 Parking".
Screw that.
We did a little shoulder surfing and took surface streets out of town, skirted alongside the lake, and ended up on Hwy 68 in the parking lot of Jerry's Service Center. It was about 100 yards from a nice little Sunoco gas station/market, with a bathroom, and good cheeseburgers, so we set up camp there under the metal awning. We would be the only ones in that lot the whole time, which was pretty amazing considering that the little gas station market just on the other side of us had about 4-5 carloads (and were charging $10 as well). Perhaps it was the big guinea wasp nest under the awning, but they left us alone so win for us!
On the ride back we hopped on 302 down to 30 and as we were coming into Dayton, we saw traffic jam apocalypse. It was like the scenes in the first season of "Walking Dead" where all the cars were sitting on the interstates going out of Atlanta, smoldering, bodies all around (not really). So we jumped off on side streets to get around, then hopped back on 30. We decided to just head towards Fall Creek Falls on 30, all the way to Spencer and then work our way back down toward Dunlap. It made for some awesome riding, and little to no traffic until we got on 111.
Awesome day.
Quote from: Hammerdown77 on August 23, 2017, 07:56:15 AM
Quote from: kylepeterson on August 22, 2017, 03:27:15 PM
we waved by, and were passed, by a group of four riders (BMW, Vfr, klr, etc) on our way home from Sparta, tn, on tn-399. they rode well, like a group from br would. it was that "good riders, good roads" feeling you get on the way home from an epic trip.
(yes, Google tn399, it's an excellent road, but not long enough)
That was probably us. Two Beemer GS's, a blue Triumph Sprint, and a Gen 2 Suzuki DL1k V-Strom. Someone waved us past on 399 after we turned off of 111. Shortly after we passed, we turned on Fredonia Rd. to head towards Dunlap. It is a really sweet road right there at the end before it hits 127.
We had gone up to Spring City, right on the line of the middle of totality. Traffic on the way up was surprisingly light, only really getting into the slower stuff when we'd come into a small town or intersection with traffic lights. Pikeville was our backup plan if Spring City was too crazy, and it was not crowded at all. We continued to Spring City, and as we began to hit the outskirts of town, we saw traffic jam hell. We also saw that every parking lot, field, sidewalk, hell any place you could park a vehicle, had a sign up that said "$10 Parking".
Screw that.
We did a little shoulder surfing and took surface streets out of town, skirted alongside the lake, and ended up on Hwy 68 in the parking lot of Jerry's Service Center. It was about 100 yards from a nice little Sunoco gas station/market, with a bathroom, and good cheeseburgers, so we set up camp there under the metal awning. We would be the only ones in that lot the whole time, which was pretty amazing considering that the little gas station market just on the other side of us had about 4-5 carloads (and were charging $10 as well). Perhaps it was the big guinea wasp nest under the awning, but they left us alone so win for us!
On the ride back we hopped on 302 down to 30 and as we were coming into Dayton, we saw traffic jam apocalypse. It was like the scenes in the first season of "Walking Dead" where all the cars were sitting on the interstates going out of Atlanta, smoldering, bodies all around (not really). So we jumped off on side streets to get around, then hopped back on 30. We decided to just head towards Fall Creek Falls on 30, all the way to Spencer and then work our way back down toward Dunlap. It made for some awesome riding, and little to no traffic until we got on 111.
Awesome day.
That's was us. Crazy coincidence. I was in a gray Ram 1500 and Kyle in a Hyundai SUV. I followed you until traffic cleared and got left behind going down the mountain into Whitwell. My daughter kept her eye on you the whole time. She didn't like it when we couldn't see you anymore. I love it when she notices bikes.