1. Alabama Builder's Hardware Manufacturing Company – 203-204 8th St NE Fort Payne
2. Alabama Great Southern Railroad Passenger Depot – NE 5th St Fort Payne
3. Cherokee Plantation – 100 Cherokee Dr., NE Fort Payne
4. Collinsville Historic District - Valley Ave., Main St. and Grand Ave. Collinsville
5. Fort Payne Boom Town Historic District - Gault St. from 4th St., NE. to 6th St., NE
6. Fort Payne Main Street Historic District – Gault Ave. from 2nd St, NE to 2nd St NW Fort Payne
7. Fort Payne Opera House – 510 Gault Ave N Fort Payne
8. Fort Payne Residential Historic District - Forrest Ave. and Elm St., 5th St. NW., Grand and Alabama Aves., and 4th St., SW. and 2nd St., SW.
9. Dr. J.A. Gorman House – Lookout St. Mentone
10. Vance C Larmore House – 810 County Rd 606 Hammondville
11. Mentone Springs Hotel – AL 117 (Destroyed by fire 2014)
12. Winston Place – Off State Route 117 Valley Head