I'll be in Tuscaloosa for work and staying overnight Wednesday the 24th. How about a Flashmob!!
6 pm
Jim 'N Nick's Bar-B-Q
305 21st Ave, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
(Time and place can change if someone has suggestions.)
It would be great to visit with the cool kids.. Oh and you too Tony.... ;D
Unfortunately I will be doing my part to keep the wheels of commerce greased at the time of which you speak. (I'm working evenings starting Monday)
Quote from: TFancher on January 18, 2018, 02:19:22 PM
Unfortunately I will be doing my part to keep the wheels of commerce greased at the time of which you speak. (I'm working evenings starting Monday)
Well I tried.... :'(
Just make the test drive a little longer. lol
They don't trust me enough to let me off premises!
Looks like I'll be driving the company cage on this trip. I damaged my wing yesterday in MissIssIppi. :'(
Nothing major but will need to spend a few days in the shop.
Looks like I'll be driving a grey 2014 Charger.... Dang it!!
Since no one else has replied, Chuck is going to dinner with some work people.
He will catch up with ya'll next time.