Great pizza, tasty brews, and friendly peeps! Bring the family!
Ride your motorcycle/scooter/trike if you can/want. Bring the cage if you can't ride.
Meet around 6:00pm
Mellow Mushroom Huntsville South
2230 Cecil Ashburn Dr SE
Huntsville, AL 35802
Map linky (just give it a little tap-tap-tapparoo): (
Sandy and I will be there.
Count me in! And there's a chance of my brother and niece coming too. So that's 1-3 people on my end.
Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk
I'll be there with my daughter. The wife might be there too, if she can get off work in time.
I have to work tonight and normally I sleep in the evening before work. If I can catch a nap in the afternoon I'm going to try to make this.
John and I will try to make it. Caging it since his dual sport isn't really a dual sport...and it's a little cold for me. ;)
I'm coming by myself, brother has to work tonight. See you guys soon!
Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk
Debbi and I will be the cage.
We will be there in the car as well
Awesome peeps/perps * 14 = Bang-Up Event
We had two more show up after the photos!
Thanks for setting this up Glenn. It was great seeing everyone there! Debbi and I really enjoyed it.
We enjoyed the Meet & Eat last night. The ride home was a little brisk, but helped lower the stress levels.
Thanks Glenn for putting this on.
One of the things that struck me last night on the way home is the wide range of riders/people that this forum brings together. Last night we had people who ride primarily dirt, street riders and those who do both. I don't know exactly what bike everyone owns but I'm pretty sure we had the following brands represented: Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, Harley, BMW, Triumph, and Kymco. We also had a wide range of ages from around 20 up to around 60. We all share the bond of motorcycling and this forum brought us together so we could have a good time.
Pretty Cool if you ask me.
I couldn't agree more with Win. It was good to see everybody. Thanks Glenn for setting this up.