This is a tentative date for now. Anyone have issues, or other events that conflict with these dates, please, let me know.
I'm doing this earlier this year to try and dodge some of the crowds we encountered last year.
I'm thinking we'll still have the ride based out of Mc Dougle camp instead of the campground at Bushy Lake, we've outgrown that location.
I promise to have detailed maps for everyone, and possibly the ability to split up into 2, or even 3, groups. Trying to keep a group as large as last year's group together is near impossible. I apologize again for route confusion and loosing some of the group....this will not happen again.
McDougle camp is free, there is a restroom/vault toilet, but no showers or fresh water. Showers are available at Bushy Lake Day Use area, which is a short drive from McDougle.
Melony and I will scout out the camp ahead of time in case some mowing/cleaning needs to be done ahead of the event.
So.....y'all hit me with ideas and how the dates for everyone's schedule.
Quote from: Al Goodwin on January 09, 2019, 06:09:18 PM
McDougle camp is free, there is a restroom/vault toilet, but no showers or fresh water. Showers are available at Bushy Lake Day Use area, which is a short drive from McDougle.
Melony and I will scout out the camp ahead of time in case some mowing/cleaning needs to be done ahead of the event.
So.....y'all hit me with ideas and how the dates for everyone's schedule.
I am free all the time now so... ;)
Y'all need me to help in getting the area into shape, shoot me a pm. I have free time to fill, a some-what strong back and a very weak mind. ;)
Looks like I will be heading to N. Georgia the following weekend to follow James around the SM500. I doubt I can get approval for 2 weekends in a row!
But crazier things have happened!
Quote from: Fencejumper09 on January 10, 2019, 08:39:31 AM
Looks like I will be heading to N. Georgia the following weekend to follow James around the SM500. I doubt I can get approval for 2 weekends in a row!
But crazier things have happened!
I'll be riding that one as well........and March Moto Madness the week before James ride.....and AFT races the weekend before that. It's gonna be a busy 4 weeks.
I can probably make it on those days.
HEY....I know May is a busy month..but, everyone check May 16-18th....that's my 2ND choice of weekends for this ride.
I'm up or either dates.
I am free every weekend in March.
Quote from: TWJohn on January 14, 2019, 08:10:18 AM
I am free every weekend in March.
Our March is full.....American Flag Track race in Georgia the 23rd.....March Moto Madness the 30th.....
Then Free State ride first weekend and in April.....busy 3 weeks.
I think we'll keep the original dates....first weekend in April.
Apr 5-7 it is then
Oh yeah. I'll be there. Put up your dogs Winston County!
April is definitely better for me as those dates in may are when the v strom rally is so I'll be in North Carolina then.
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2 Months out. Wooooooooooooooooo
Dang it.... I'm out... have another event this weekend then Bunny hop DS ride closer to home the next weekend
Melony and I will be rolling into McDoogle camp early Friday morning...
I'll have a sign, larger that 8 1/2 X 11, out on the road...the camp is easily missed....
We'll be there Wednesday before the ride making sure all is good at the camp...grass cut, clean restroom, etc....
Bring water, there is none available at McDoogle. Showers are available at Bushy Lake, just a short drive/ride away.
We'll have the grill setup for "sausage fest" Friday night...bring all the Conecuh and other smoked sausage and we'll throw it on the grill.
Lunch stop Saturday will be at Chef Troy's in Houston, Al. It's a little out of the way of the route, but it's well worth the time. Only the best food north of I-10.
We'll have breakfast at camp Saturday morning, biscuits, 5 pounds of bacon, sausage, and maybe some pancakes for everyone attending. Cookout again Saturday night for dinner.....bring whatever y'all would like thrown on the grill.
I'm looking forward to this...and I promise to be better organized and have route sheets for everyone there. No more loosing half the group.
If we have enough interest, and someone would volunteer to lead a faster group, we can split up, then all come together for lunch.
Thanks to everyone that's planning on being there.....see y'all soon.
Three weeks!
Quote from: Al Goodwin on March 24, 2019, 07:43:55 PM
I'm getting a "event not available" message when clicking on it. Is the privacy set to public?
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Quote from: David DoubleEX on March 24, 2019, 07:59:46 PM
I'm getting a "event not available" message when clicking on it. Is the privacy set to public?
Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
It opens just fine for me(
On the Facebook group it says content not available
Klaviator may be able to open it because hes Facebook friends with Al? If the event is set to friends only, that would be why some of us cant open it.
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Quote from: David DoubleEX on March 25, 2019, 02:52:39 PM
Klaviator may be able to open it because hes Facebook friends with Al? If the event is set to friends only, that would be why some of us cant open it.
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That could be. The important info and planning is done here on this thread. I don't think you are really missing anything but hopefully Al will see this and fix it on FB.
Well...hmm....I'll see if I can change something.
Well...hmm....I'll see if I can change something.
I'm a maybe. I'm going to try to make it. I'll have to dust off the old ktm. It really hasn't been ridden since the cove rally.
Took a ride around the route today. Roads look good, considering how much rain we've had. All the roads are "big bike friendly", Melony and I rode the entire loop 2-up on the Tenere late last summer, so anyone can do it.
McDougle camp is the cleanest I've ever seen it, not grown up at all, the bathroom was aroma free, there are real advantages to staying there before summer really kicks in.
Of course I had breakfast at Chef Troy's. Told them we'd be stopping there on the Saturday, they said just give us a call with an estimated time and how many and they'll have us all set up and ready.
Ops okay practice camping out.
If I can make it, I'll try to bring a decent load of firewood.
We need a volunteer. Anyone coming that isn't going to ride? Maybe hang out at the camp Saturday?.....I've never had worries about things coming up missing while at Bushy Lake, buy McDougle camp is right on Hwy. 33...if everyone is gone riding all our stuff would be easy pickings.
Does anyone have a GPS grid to the meet up location? Sounds like a fun Saturday outing!
Quote from: RuckedUp on April 01, 2019, 02:26:48 PM
Does anyone have a GPS grid to the meet up location? Sounds like a fun Saturday outing!
It is at McDougle Camp in Bankhead.
Post up an introduction when you get a chance with some pics of those sexy 690s listed in your signature!!
The old ktm fired right up. Noticed I had no rear pads left but I had spare in my stash so I swapped those. Adjust the chain, air up the tires, and I should be good to go. How much firewood do you guys want?
Quote from: Fencejumper09 on April 01, 2019, 04:16:54 PM
It is at McDougle Camp in Bankhead.
Post up an introduction when you get a chance with some pics of those sexy 690s listed in your signature!!
Will do! I did a search for McDougle and was not able to find it on google maps. :(
Took some slight searching and you are right, its not on Google maps. But this link will give you directions on how to get there. Clicking the "get directions" button will open maps and take you there.
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Quote from: David DoubleEX on April 01, 2019, 06:57:48 PM
Took some slight searching and you are right, its not on Google maps. But this link will give you directions on how to get there. Clicking the "get directions" button will open maps and take you there.
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Yep....that's it.
I was really hoping to make this again, I had a blast last year but was unprepared.
Work will keep me away again this year. :-[
Can't wait to see all the pics and hear the stories.
This weekend! I am really looking forward to this.
I'll be getting there Friday afternoon along with my buddy Steve from Jawja. I plan on bringing some potato salad and some OJ for breakfast. I'll have a large cooler in case someone needs to keep something cool. Is there anything else that might be needed? Plasticware, cups, paper towels, buns?
I'm thinking maybe some donuts or muffins also.
Anyone riding up from the Birmingham area?
I have 8 burgers and 12 hotdogs all with buns, ketchup, and mustard. Plus some cookies, chips, water, and ice.
If anyone needs anything, let me know. I also have a spare air mattress (let me know tonight if you want it).
Looking forward to it!
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Alright....bacon and sausage bought....Cracker Barrel biscuits ordered....BIG grill hooked up. EZ-Up and another canopy loaded. Small generator for some lighting. We bought plenty of Lysol and TP for the toilet, we'll give it a good cleaning tomorrow, although it looked pretty good last week.
The route Saturday morning will take us past Brushy Lake where there's a hot shower available....probably should pay the "day use" fee, $5, since camping at McDougle is free anyway..I figure that's the least we could do is pay for the shower use.
If time permitting we'll stop by the natural bridge that's close to our lunch stop.....opinion?
Breakfast will be bacon, biscuits, and sausage....anyone have anything they'd like thrown on the grill it's open for anyone...
Our gas stop will be about 50 miles into the ride....with another 100 or so after that.
I'm bringing some elk sausage for Friday night, leftovers Saturday morning.
I'm in!!! I'll probably be there Saturday morning. What time are we rolling out on the trail?
Quote from: Hambone on April 04, 2019, 11:27:16 PM
I'm in!!! I'll probably be there Saturday morning. What time are we rolling out on the trail?
I'll be out in the morning. Was planning to ride the DRZ but just read the 100 miles after gas stop and think maybe I'll be on the CB500X instead. I'm not set up to camp so I won't be staying.
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The 100 miles after a gas stop worries me as well. I have a small fuel bottle I will be bringing.
"The 100 miles after a gas stop worries me " Just curious, how far do you expect you can go on the OEM fuel tank alone?
About 100 miles with my TW200
We will have a lot of bikes there and should be able to borrow some fuel from another bike if necessary. Last year, Kyle borrowed some from me. Wait doesn't this mean he owes me? Haha!
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That's why Kyle isn't coming this year. :D
I'm going to try and be there in the morning. Just left the doc's office with a steroid shot and some decongestant.
If y'all see this, I may meet y'all at Chef Troys. I'm gonna be on pavement with my lady friend.
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Al and Meloney, thanks again for organizing this fantastic event. I had a great time.
I have started a ride report here: (
Thank you guys for a weekend of fun.
I had a great time! I really appreciate all the effort you both put into this to make it so much fun!
This ride was an absolute blast. The effort put into it was great. Nobody hurt is always good. Thank you Al amd Melony!
It was an awesome day! There are some treacherous old folks in this group.

Thanks for letting me tag along.
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Another weekend of building memories with great riders. Thanks to all, and especially Al and Meloney.
This was as close to perfect as it gets. Great food, great people, great weather (most of the time), and a great day of riding. Thanks Melony and Allen.
Quote from: Jwwr on April 07, 2019, 06:25:22 PM
I had a great time! I really appreciate all the effort you both put into this to make it so much fun!
I saw you, but didn't get to chat. Are you still fishing?
Quote from: lazeebum on April 08, 2019, 06:19:19 AM
I saw you, but didn't get to chat. Are you still fishing?
Hate I missed chatting with you! No fishing for me, I sold my boat about a year ago.