It's THAT TIME AGAIN.....Come ride Bankhead National Forest with us. We'll be at McDougle Camp on Friday, camping out, cooking out, then riding Saturday.
Breakfast served Saturday morning before the ride, lunch at Chef Troy's Talk of the Town in Houston, Alabama.
This ride is "Big bike friendly". If anyone wants a more challenging ride they could go and ride the Flint Creek trail.
Bikes must be tagged for the dual-sport ride.
It's always a good time. Bring whatever you'd want to throw on the grill. Friday and Saturday nights.
More information to follow.
I'm in!
For those of you who haven't been to one of these and wondering what it's all about, here's the ride report from the last one: (
Me too, me too!!
IN!!! Excellent.
Susan and I are planning to ride to Key West that week(still working on the details). But that could be a plan B if things fall through.
I'll put it in my schedule right now!
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I'll be there! Waa trying to decide between WR426 and DL1000 (I am putting k60 scout tires on it) but I think I'll stick with the WR because I want to go be a hooligan on the Flint Creek trail.
I'm looking forward to it!
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I was out riding around Bankhead on Saturday. I rode past Flint Creek. The gate to the parking lot was closed and there were a couple of trucks with trailers full of ATVs sitting there.
I also rode past Brushy Creek campground. It looked like it was full and the day use parking area next to it had a bunch of vehicles parked there.
Quote from: klaviator on March 15, 2021, 11:15:27 AM
I was out riding around Bankhead on Saturday. I rode past Flint Creek. The gate to the parking lot was closed and there were a couple of trucks with trailers full of ATVs sitting there.
I also rode past Brushy Creek campground. It looked like it was full and the day use parking area next to it had a bunch of vehicles parked there.
I just checked the website and Flint Creek is supposed to be open.
I'm in.
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Quote from: TWJohn on March 15, 2021, 11:40:30 AM
I just checked the website and Flint Creek is supposed to be open.
I called ranger station a week or so ago and Flint was closed due to snow storm tree damage
Quote from: Johnny Tobyone on March 17, 2021, 10:34:10 AM
I called ranger station a week or so ago and Flint was closed due to snow storm tree damage
That makes sense. I went down one forest road that must have had close to a dozen trees down. That's just the ones they left because they were high enough to go under.
They have probably had their hands full clearing trees. The storms this week will bring down even more trees.
This is coming up quick. A friend might come join in on his bike.
SO, how is this McDougle camp for tent camping? The USFS web site shows that its a primitive hunting camp. Is there some level ground that would be suitable for a tent?
If the weather is good for that weekend, I should be able to make it. I really do not like sleeping in a tent, when its wet and muddy out.
Quote from: Merkur Man on March 31, 2021, 08:17:25 PM
SO, how is this McDougle camp for tent camping? The USFS web site shows that its a primitive hunting camp. Is there some level ground that would be suitable for a tent?
If the weather is good for that weekend, I should be able to make it. I really do not like sleeping in a tent, when its wet and muddy out.
It's fine for tent camping. Go back a few posts to the link to last years event and there are some pics of the campground there.
Thanks'. I do see some tents there.
It also looks like I'll need some rain gear, for going thru all those mud holes!!!
Doing a quick count, do we just have ~10 people going this weekend?
I'm thinking about food. Allen is bringing the signature 10lbs of bacon and 10lbs of sausage.
I guess I will bring some hamburgers, buns, ketchup, mustard, and chips/snacks. Plus some drinks.
Anyone want to bring hot dogs and buns? Potato salad? Beans? Coleslaw? Any other fixins you can think of? Biscuits?
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Quote from: David DoubleEX on April 05, 2021, 06:22:03 PM
Doing a quick count, do we just have ~10 people going this weekend?
I'm thinking about food. Allen is bringing the signature 10lbs of bacon and 10lbs of sausage.
I guess I will bring some hamburgers, buns, ketchup, mustard, and chips/snacks. Plus some drinks.
Anyone want to bring hot dogs and buns? Potato salad? Beans? Coleslaw? Any other fixins you can think of? Biscuits?
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There is no way of knowing how many will show up until they do. Some people wait until the last minute to post and some just show up. Don't be surprised if we end up with 20.
I'll bring some potato salad and cole slaw. I'll also bring an ice chest with extra room in it if someone needs to keep something cold.
Is someone bringing plates and plastic ware?
I stopped by the McDougle Hunting campground today. It looked to be in pretty good shape.
The outhouse was pretty clean and had some TP but not enough for a big group for a weekend. I'll bring a couple of rolls.
There was some potential firewood there if someone brings a saw. Anyone have a chain saw?
Pepperlady and I are probably coming.
What time is KSU and the lunch break on Saturday?
I'll bring some dry wood to start and a small chainsaw. I'm trailering all the way from Hartselle so if you need anything else let me know.
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I am trailering in Friday. Looking forward to this.
Wish I could make it! Y'all have a great time!
I'm going to try to get there early on Friday so I have enough time to set up and go for a ride. I rode around Bankhead on Monday and did some exploring. I found one road that looked interesting.
It got pretty rutted and steep and I didn't want to try it by myself so I turned around. I think it goes down to the river.
I did a number of other dead end roads. They were nice but all ended at a closed gate.
Looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend!
Quote from: David DoubleEX on April 05, 2021, 06:22:03 PM
Doing a quick count, do we just have ~10 people going this weekend?
I'm thinking about food. Allen is bringing the signature 10lbs of bacon and 10lbs of sausage.
I guess I will bring some hamburgers, buns, ketchup, mustard, and chips/snacks. Plus some drinks.
Anyone want to bring hot dogs and buns? Potato salad? Beans? Coleslaw? Any other fixins you can think of? Biscuits?
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Normally more people than just AL bring sausage. It would be nice if everyone would post up what they were bringing.
Quote from: klaviator on April 06, 2021, 04:29:02 PM
I'm going to try to get there early on Friday so I have enough time to set up and go for a ride.
What time are you thinking? I'd like to tag along if that's ok.
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Quote from: Sweeper on April 06, 2021, 06:34:38 PM
What time are you thinking? I'd like to tag along if that's ok.
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Interested in this too. I'm taking off work Friday and I can come as early as I'd like.
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Quote from: Sweeper on April 06, 2021, 06:34:38 PM
What time are you thinking? I'd like to tag along if that's ok.
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Love to have some company. I'm thinking of getting there late morning. Setting up my tent and having a bite to eat then going riding for 2-3 hours in the afternoon. I'll post some more exact times tomorrow or Thursday at the latest.
I'm coming early Friday. I'm bringing:
paper plates
paper towels
I will bring some T.P. and some sausage or burgers.
Quote from: jrobinson on April 05, 2021, 08:58:52 PM
What time is KSU and the lunch break on Saturday?
I also would like to know what is the estimated KSU time? I was planning to come up Friday and camp, but the forecast has changed to a 60% chance of rain. So I think that I will just drive up on Saturday morning instead.
I have never been to McDougle camp. Does anyone know what the "estimated" drive time would be from Cullman, then going up thru Double Springs on highway 33?
KSU around 9am...lunch depends on how much time we spend at the river stops....noon'ish???
Breakfast around 7:30am....I'll try and have it going by then.
I'll bring a small generator for some lights after dark, and coffee in the morning.
Y'all bring whatever you'd want on the grill.
We have 5 dozen biscuits for Saturday morning to go along with the bacon and sausage.
We do need a couple more EZ-ups if anyone that's trailering has one to throw on the trailer. I have 2, and one of those leaks a bit...LOL
Also.....Melony and I will be there around noon Friday to start setting everything up...
I'm bringing an EZ up.
Quote from: klaviator on April 07, 2021, 08:32:29 PM
I'm bringing an EZ up.
Thank you...
You know one of mine leaks a bit...LOL
Mine didn't leak when I used it last October in Tellico. I am hoping to get there by 11 on Friday. If the weather is good I'll go for a ride with anyone else who wants to go in the afternoon, probably around 1 or 2.
Looks like dust won't be an issue but that trip down to the river....

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Quote from: Merkur Man on April 07, 2021, 07:57:03 PM
I also would like to know what is the estimated KSU time? I was planning to come up Friday and camp, but the forecast has changed to a 60% chance of rain. So I think that I will just drive up on Saturday morning instead.
I have never been to McDougle camp. Does anyone know what the "estimated" drive time would be from Cullman, then going up thru Double Springs on highway 33?
50 min. Hwy 157 to hwy 36 to hwy 33 mcdougle on left
Quote from: 2372ighost on April 08, 2021, 08:40:55 AM
50 min. Hwy 157 to hwy 36 to hwy 33 mcdougle on left
That's the quickest way according to Google maps. If you wanted to come in from the south then take 278 to CO RD 63 to 33 and the camp will be on the right. It's about the same distance but takes 55 minutes according to google maps. From the intersection of 63 and 33 it's 3.4 miles.
I am bringing a large blue tarp that we might ca n use between two pop ups. Also packing a roll of trash bags for trash and emergency rain gear.

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Here's a list of what I am bringing:
2 rolls of TP
1 EZ up
potato salad and cole slaw. Not a huge amount so there is room for someone else to bring some more sides.
Extra folding chair.
Mini Muffins
Ice chest - it should have some extra room if someone needs to keep something cool.
bug spray.
Alright, I got a little excited buying food and got about enough to feed all of us. 10 burgers, 18 hot dogs, buns for both, potato salad, baked beans, macaroni salad, extra plates and trash bags, chips and snacks, water and root beer.
I also believe I have an EZ up to bring since we will likely need it.
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my list:
AP paper (butt wipe for you civilians)plenty
Paper towels
plastic utensils
Paper plates
venison bacon burgers (maybe make 6)
venison smoked link jalapeƱo/cheese sausage (can cut so all can taste)
We might get wet but we certainly won't starve. :D
I might try to make it up in the morning. I will be at the campground by 9 am if I do.
I believe Pepperlady and I are out. Ya'll take something to steak down those EZ up's well.
I completely missed seeing this event!! :(
Y'all be safe with these thunderstorms rolling in.
Y'all missed an awesome weekend of riding!
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What a great weekend. Rain Friday night but other than that it couldn't have gone better.
Another DS the Free State ride is in the can. Many thanks to Al and Melony for hosting a Great Weekend.
What a fantastic Weekend! Great people, great riding and just about perfect weather. A big thanks to Al and Melony for all the work they did to set up and organize this event and then make it such a success.
I took 175 pictures. After I download and sort through them I'll start a ride report.
I agree. Saturdays ride was a lotta fun. Al and Melony, thanks for putting it all together. I enjoyed meeting and riding with everyone.
I wonder if the Forest Service would like for me to return all of the sand, that I brought home with me - Ha Ha!
While I was cleaning up my riding gear today, I dug a handful of sand from my jacket pockets, helmet and boots! That "Hell Hole" was freaking deep..
My ride report is here: (
If anyone has any pics or comments at add, feel free to do so.