Motorcycle Alabama

Open House => Motorcycling News => Topic started by: Nice Goat on November 09, 2024, 08:10:59 PM

Title: 2025 Suzuki DRZ Updated!
Post by: Nice Goat on November 09, 2024, 08:10:59 PM
Finally, another Japanese fuel-injected dual sport option.
Let's hope that the price tag is a lot less than Honda's 450cc dual sport.
Let's hope that it has longer valve check intervals than Honda's also.

Title: Re: 2025 Suzuki DRZ Updated!
Post by: klaviator on November 10, 2024, 09:15:52 PM
I'm glad to see Suzuki back in the game but I'm a bit sceptical.  Is this just the old DRZ with fuel injection,a few electronic aids, ABS, and some bodywork change?  It still has a 5 speed.  I'll be interested to see an actual review. 
Title: Re: 2025 Suzuki DRZ Updated!
Post by: kylepeterson on November 19, 2024, 07:34:12 AM
suzuki was very careful to hide clear views of the left and right sides of the engine. the promo video hid so much stuff, i wondered how much they were recycling. thankfully, you can see the right side of the cylinder has been redesigned (see the timing chain bolt in the center, again), cat convertor in the exhaust header, and stator cover looks (man i hope so!) like it's new too. the starter cover and oil filter cover look to be reused from 2000-2024 models. the suspension didn't need much work at all, so they probably saved a ton of money by not messing with it. wheels, brakes, all that extra junk will likely be samesame.  given suzukis history with really crap electronics, i would expect that fancy new display to fail soon after purchase... hopefully it's not required for the abs / tc / etc to work properly... because if it is , there will be a LOT of unhappy riders when it fails.

i am interested in seeing the specs if/when they're released for the stator output, gear ratios (COME ON , NO SIX SPEED ? WTF ????) and how the primary sprocket is fastened to the output shaft.