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Scooters / Re: Show us where you rode you...
Last post by klaviator - February 19, 2025, 04:15:43 PM
Ride Reports / Re: First ride to just ride in...
Last post by klaviator - February 18, 2025, 06:51:00 AM
Quote from: Nice Goat on February 16, 2025, 11:11:46 AMFor some reason, I just haven't been willing to put in the effort to go for a long ride, even though I really want to.  I know that I would enjoy it.  I don't know what is wrong with me.  Just lethargy, I suppose.  I just need to suit up and do it.

I have the same problem.  If I don't have a reason for a ride I have a hard time getting motivated even though I know I will have a good time.  The way around that for me is to post up a ride.  Now I have a reason to be at a certain place and time to meet others for a ride.  If someone else has posted up a ride it is even easier.  I have gone for a "long" ride the last 3 Saturdays.  I posted up 2 of those rides and someone else did the other.  I also do a lot of short rides just to go to the store maybe a short sunset ride.  I'm on track to ride somewhere around 1000 miles this month.
Ride Reports / Re: First ride to just ride in...
Last post by IceCold4x4 - February 16, 2025, 02:28:24 PM
Quote from: Nice Goat on February 16, 2025, 11:11:46 AMYou captured a lot of good stuff in your post.

For some reason, I just haven't been willing to put in the effort to go for a long ride, even though I really want to.  I know that I would enjoy it.  I don't know what is wrong with me.  Just lethargy, I suppose.  I just need to suit up and do it.
All you have to do is toss the leg over fill her up with fuel and go the rest can work itself out along the way. Generally I find those make for the most interesting ridez either something goes wrong and you remember it for all time on how you got it back home or it just goes perfect and you remember that by the end of the day you're on two wheels and that's all that matters

Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
Ride Reports / Re: First ride to just ride in...
Last post by Nice Goat - February 16, 2025, 11:11:46 AM
Quote from: IceCold4x4 on February 04, 2025, 07:12:05 PM...and went for the first official shakedown and extended ride...
...I'd forgotten the joys of that ride...
...let her stretch the legs and the dust off the chain for the first time in probably 4 or 5 years...
...Time to start reading maps and find all the good roads again...

You captured a lot of good stuff in your post.

For some reason, I just haven't been willing to put in the effort to go for a long ride, even though I really want to.  I know that I would enjoy it.  I don't know what is wrong with me.  Just lethargy, I suppose.  I just need to suit up and do it.

Ride Reports / Re: February Street Ride.
Last post by klaviator - February 10, 2025, 10:37:13 PM
Only the rider in the picture did the water crossing. 
Ride Reports / Re: February Street Ride.
Last post by Merkur Man - February 09, 2025, 12:57:14 PM
That's a nice size group. Did you take your scooter thru that water crossing...Lol
Thanks or the pictures.
Ride Reports / February Street Ride.
Last post by klaviator - February 09, 2025, 05:59:55 AM
We had a street ride starting in Gurley yesterday.  We had 16 bikes show up at the start point and one more join us at the lunch stop in Guntersville.  We had one riders come from Helena and another all, the way from Atlanta!

Open Discussion about Motorcycles / Re: Motorcycle Parking / Stora...
Last post by IceCold4x4 - February 04, 2025, 07:15:44 PM
What about parking it inside the apt? Got quite a few friends in the Atlanta area and this is what they do to avoid bikes being stolen.....

Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk

Ride Reports / First ride to just ride in yea...
Last post by IceCold4x4 - February 04, 2025, 07:12:05 PM
Well got a new zrx, a 1200 this time finally swapped over all my old goodies and made it road worthy and went for the first official shakedown and extended ride. Honored the bike with a recreating of my first real ride on the old 1100. Did the gonzo today, I'd forgotten the joys of that ride. Got some air up.under the front tire a few times and let her stretch the legs and the dust off the chain for the first time in probably 4 or 5 years. God I still love these bikes. Nice full tank of fuel burned in an afternoon and 170 miles of riding in. Sadly I only took a picture while eating lunch. Time to start reading maps and find all the good roads again.

Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk

Scooters / Re: Show us where you rode you...
Last post by klaviator - February 01, 2025, 07:03:02 PM