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Barber Motorsports Museum Volunteer Training - April 1st

Started by renchinrider, March 03, 2017, 09:29:25 PM

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Hey, Everyone,

Barber Motorsports Museum's Volunteer Coordinator Jennifer Moody came up to see us in Huntsville a couple of weeks ago.  She notified us about Barber's upcoming Volunteer Training, scheduled for April 1st at Barber's facility in Birmingham.  A number of us from the North Alabama Vintage Motorcycle Club will be traveling down there after our weekly (8 am) breakfast at the Blue Plate Café II on south Memorial Parkway.

The training will run from 1 pm to 3 pm on April 1st.

To register for the training, just use this link:;jsessionid=7523A0ADF683269555942B7C89DC5B98-n1?event=75&

Registration takes less than 5 minutes, and within a day or so, you'll get an email from Jennifer confirming that you're registered for the training.

We (NAVMC) are putting together a group ride from Huntsville to Barber and back.  If any of you would like to join, please let me know!

Live to Ride...or Die Tryin'!

Al Goodwin


I hear ya, Al!  I know a number of people are torn between Moto Madness and making the training.  So much (not "too" much) goin' on!!! 8)
Live to Ride...or Die Tryin'!


Hey, All!

One last reminder of this weekend's Barber Motorsports Museum Volunteer Training, which will include a tour of the museum.  Two ways to get there, and both of them converge on the Irondale Shrimp Basket restaurant at 7756 Crestwood Blvd, Birmingham, AL 35210 at 11:30 on Saturday morning.

Option 1:  After breakfast (at Blue Plate Café II on S. Memorial Parkway), all of us who want to ride together will depart from Blue Plate  and head to Birmingham.  The weather forecast is looking good.  Our plan is to ride to Birmingham on US 231.  From lunch, we'll ride/drive in convoy to Barber. 

Option 2:  Travel separately to Birmingham, and link up at the Shrimp Basket Restaurant at 11:30.

The volunteer training begins at 1 pm, and concludes at 3.  Note that the training includes a museum tour!

You must pre-register for the training.  If you haven't done so, just go to;     

There, you can choose from the options and  complete your registration for the training.  It takes less than five minutes, and within about a day, you'll get an email from Jennifer confirming your registration.  If you have problems, contact Jennifer, either at, or at (205) 702-8713.

This training is open to anyone who wants to volunteer to help support Barber Motorsports Park and Museum events, which occur throughout the year.  It is not exclusive to vintage motorcyclists, so join us for breakfast and ride down to Birmingham and complete the training with us!
Live to Ride...or Die Tryin'!

Al Goodwin

SECCA Hare-Scramble in Flatrock, Al. :-[................UGH.....Why is it all THIS WEEKEND????  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(


Quote from: Al Goodwin on March 28, 2017, 04:14:28 AM
SECCA Hare-Scramble in Flatrock, Al. :-[................UGH.....Why is it all THIS WEEKEND????  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(


Hey, Everyone

If any of you are planning to attend the Volunteer Training at Barber tomorrow from 1 to 3, please join us (North Alabama Vintage Motorcycle Club) for lunch at 11:30 at the Shrimp Basket Restaurant (7756 Crestwood Blvd, Birmingham 35210)!  We have folks coming in cars and trucks, and another group of us are riding in.  We're all linking up with each other at the Shrimp Basket at 11:30, then heading over to Barber in time for the 1 pm start.

Hope to see you, either at 11:30 for lunch, or at 1 for the training!
Live to Ride...or Die Tryin'!