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Friday Free For All- May 19th

Started by Campbell92, May 11, 2017, 09:46:07 AM

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Every few weeks we are wanting to host a meet up of different brand bikes. We will feature different brands every few weeks where we will display a certain product or bike, eat, and go for a ride.

This first ride will be a display of Royal Enfield! This will be late afternoon. Meet at Allsport Powersports in Decatur. 5-6 pm for meet and greet and food then we will go for a summer evening ride before the sun sets. Back roads and good times! All makes and models welcome. We highly encourage Royal Enfield owners to join us so they can display and show off what their bikes can do. So, be sure to invite any RE owners you know!

We plan to have our first event Friday May 19th! Royal Enfield owners, let us know if you can make it! Feel free to spread the word to other riders throughout the area! All makes and models are welcome


This is a great way to showcase makes of bikes and create interest.  I hope to make this event.

GS Noob

So...where are you meeting?

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I knew I was missing something. Meet at Allsport Powersports in Decatur Al.


Is anyone interested in leading the ride. My gf graciously reminded me that we have tickets to a concert in Birmingham and I am not allowed to miss it. Let me know as soon as possible.