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411 Vintage 2017

Started by Chitza, October 02, 2017, 08:30:32 AM

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We are here!! It's time!!! I hope you guys are planning to attend and visit us at the BamaRides Booth. I will update information here so you can get the most out of your visit.

Where: You will find us in the Swap Meet Area at booth K10-12. From the main gate, go to the last Swap Meet entrance and go straight down that aisle. You will find us on the left, 10 spaces down.

Parking: if you drive, a two day parking pass is $20. Motorcycles park FREE! You can park on our site, but if you arrive during peak business hours(usually 10am-3pm-ish) you will have to turn your engine off and duck walk or push your bike to the booth. Pretty easy as it is a slight downhill, not so much if you leave during said hours and have to push uphill.  :violin-011:

Tickets: daily passes are $35 Fri/Sat and $25 for Sunday. A weekend pass is $60. Again, parking 2 day pass(Fri/sat) is $20 IF YOU DRIVE. Me thinks you should RIDE  :bike-038: and park FREE. Parking for motorcycles will be on Perimeter Rd. Park where ever you can and catch the shuttle to where you want to go. Parking spaces will be at a premium.

Food: There will be food vendors in the Fan Zone and food trucks in the Swap Meet area. We will have snacks, sandwich fixings and drinks in the Swap Meet Booth. Come by and join us!

Miscellaneous info: if you bring drinks, stick with aluminum cans or plastic bottles. No glass allowed. We will have recycle bins at the booth  :DANCING-banana-032:
Loud pipes make me hungry for Valium biscuits and scotch gravy. - kdtrull

Yeah....ham it up, crackers.   ;D -kdtrull
The politically correct term is "Saltine American". -KevinB


I'll see ya there on Saturday :DANCING-banana-032:


 :applause-003: :transport-029: :hdthumbs: :others-154:


6 hours of wrenching with helping hands from a few friends and members. The Kazuma is rideable again. I think.... At least the front tire holds air and the electric start works. The kdx got repaired after my recent jumping fiasco. And ya we will see yall tomorrow afternoon. P. S. all those goldwing parts fit!

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk


Seriously if you know someone looking for GL1100 and/or GL1200 parts, send them to the Bamarides swap meet area!!!
2013 KTM 690 Enduro/Sumo
2013 KTM RC8R
2011 KTM 990 SMR (Oh Yeah)
2020 Beta 300 RR Race Edition
1985 Goldwing (ish)
2014 BMW 1200RT
Remember, a boss doesn't always do smart things, but he always does them like a boss. - Paebr332

Chuck & Susan

I think I have seen that pile of parts before... just not quite in that configuration.... lol

Glad to see they are going to a good purpose...

It's a beautiful day, let's go somewhere....
2016 Goldwing 1800cc

IBA #81066


Quote from: Chuck & Susan on October 06, 2017, 08:06:02 AM
I think I have seen that pile of parts before... just not quite in that configuration.... lol

Glad to see they are going to a good purpose...


Yep, a good portion of those came from you! The other portion were also a free gift from a guy up in Huntsville!
2013 KTM 690 Enduro/Sumo
2013 KTM RC8R
2011 KTM 990 SMR (Oh Yeah)
2020 Beta 300 RR Race Edition
1985 Goldwing (ish)
2014 BMW 1200RT
Remember, a boss doesn't always do smart things, but he always does them like a boss. - Paebr332

Chuck & Susan

Wish I could be there to see them go. Susan and I had planned on being there this weekend. But 2 things have come up. One is Nate, Working here on the coast with 9-1-1 means I have to be here no matter what. And the 2nd reason I'll reveal later in a post. I hope every enjoys the weekend and we will be following the post. Susan and I will really be sad we are not there but there's always next year....

It's a beautiful day, let's go somewhere....
2016 Goldwing 1800cc

IBA #81066


Quote from: Chuck & Susan on October 06, 2017, 08:36:27 AM
Wish I could be there to see them go. Susan and I had planned on being there this weekend. But 2 things have come up. One is Nate, Working here on the coast with 9-1-1 means I have to be here no matter what. And the 2nd reason I'll reveal later in a post. I hope every enjoys the weekend and we will be following the post. Susan and I will really be sad we are not there but there's always next year....


We are sad, too. Hope to see you soon!
Loud pipes make me hungry for Valium biscuits and scotch gravy. - kdtrull

Yeah....ham it up, crackers.   ;D -kdtrull
The politically correct term is "Saltine American". -KevinB


Let me know if y'all need anything. I will probably be headed that way in an hour or so.   :applause-003:
2013 KTM 690 Enduro/Sumo
2013 KTM RC8R
2011 KTM 990 SMR (Oh Yeah)
2020 Beta 300 RR Race Edition
1985 Goldwing (ish)
2014 BMW 1200RT
Remember, a boss doesn't always do smart things, but he always does them like a boss. - Paebr332