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Dec 8: North AL Vintage MC's Annual Christmas Banquet

Started by renchinrider, November 19, 2018, 08:35:08 PM

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Hi, Everyone!

OK, it's that time of year again already:  Time to mark your calendars and make your plans to join us for our annual Christmas banquet at the Blue Plate Cafe II, at the corner of S. Memorial Parkway and Byrd Spring Road in Huntsville!  It'll be held from 11 am to 1 pm, and is open to motorcycle enthusiasts who enjoy good food, good times, and good friends--regardless what you ride!  No RSVP required; just bring yourself, and friends who share our love for all things motorcycle! :)

We'll kick things off at 11 am with our meals.  Guests can choose from a set Christmas meal, or, with just a little waiting time, can order anything else on Blue Plate's menu.  The one thing you can be sure of, is that the food will be good.

Meanwhile, RJ will fire up the annual NAVMC slide show featuring both roastable and toastable members' moments caught on camera.  The slide show is always an ice breaker, and conversation starter.

Following our banquet, we'll have an auction of donated items, with all proceeds going to deserving Veterans and their families, according to needs presented to us by the Disabled American Veterans office for North Alabama.

And, all the while, there is tons of conversation, laughter and fellowship. 

Hope to see you there! ;)
Live to Ride...or Die Tryin'!


Come join us at 11!

Blue Plate Cafe II at the corner of South Memorial Parkway and Byrd Spring Rd in Huntsville!
Live to Ride...or Die Tryin'!

David DoubleEX

I was glad to come to the Christmas party. A lot of good people there, and for a good cause too. I was the one that decided to ride there ;)

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk


David, it was great to have you!  That was me up there at the computer table running the slide show and (TRYING  :o :o) to keep up with all of the auction sales. 

Hope you can come back...You're welcome anytime! 

And kudos on being the WEATHERPROOF RIDER!
Live to Ride...or Die Tryin'!